Xenforo down because of expired domain?

The domain xenforo.com is down and it seems because it expired:

Creation date: 04 Jun 2010 07:42:00
Expiration date: 04 Jun 2012 02:42:00

See yourself at http://www.networksolutions.com/whois-search/xenforo.com

Still no word about this from Kier Darby, Mike Sullivan or Ashley Busby, the owners of the software company. Have they simply forgotten to renew their business domain??? A bit strange for a business. Have Internet Brands finally reached their goal, destroying the former forum market leader Vbulletin and drag Xenforo down, too?

Until this is resolved, you can access the Xenforo site by editing your hosts file (for Windows 7 located at c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc – you need admin rights to edit this file) and add the following line “ xenforo.com”.

Update: the domain now has been renewed: “Expiration date: 04 Jun 2013”

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