D300 review by DigitalCameraResource

DigitalCameraResource has their D300 review online:

“It’s not often that I review a camera actually lives up to the manufacturer’s hype — and the D300 does exactly that.”

First full review of Nikon D300

The first full review of the Nikon D300 is online:

D300 review by CameraLabs

A new D3 review

I have found a new D3 review, unfortunately in Polnish, but I find the pictures interesting enough to share them with you, especially starting with page 3

Michael Weber about the Nikon D3

Michael Weber, mostly known for his equipments tests, has posted a small review of the D3 at a forum (not on his site).

For those able to read German visit this link.

I don’t have the time to translate the full article, only so much: he was even thinking about the Canon MkIII but now he is absolutely euphoric about the D3 performance in every aspect: autofocus (probably beating the MkIII!), white balance, noise….

His conclusion: Nikon has rewarded all who stayed with Nikon….

A D3 at night in the rain: football

football game:

Amazing results. The 3D auto focus was quick and followed the your subject throughout the play. Much better than the D2H’s auto focus.”


“The sharpness and detail in the image is unbelievable. And to think this was taken at night in the rain”